The transformative realm of Energetic Facilitation

I learnt about energy facilitation when I learnt to run the Access Bars®. Before that Bars class I never heard about ‘energy facilitation” but since the moment I learnt it made total sense to me.

It made me question why is that we don’t learn about this at school? We would have so much more ease in every aspect of our life.


Energy Facilitation is one of the most powerful verbal tools in the toolkit of Access Consciousness©, it allows you to unleash your own potential and to start trusting your own knowing aka, your intuition.


Let’s dive in this powerful energy transformation tool…

In the vast world of energy healing and consciousness, there is a gentle, transformative approach known as ‘Energetic Facilitation’ under the Access Consciousness umbrella. This practice is not just about healing; it's about unlocking the potential within you to create a life that feels lighter, more expansive, and full of possibilities.


The beauty of this work is that it doesn’t require you to dig through the past or relive old traumas. Instead, it’s about being present with what is and allowing the energy to shift naturally.


What is energetic facilitation exactly?

Energetic Facilitation is a practice that involves working with the subtle energies of the body and being. It’s a way of clearing away the energetic blocks, limitations, and judgments that hold you back from living fully. Imagine your life as a flowing river. Sometimes, stones gets caught in the flow—old patterns, beliefs, and emotions. A facilitation helps to clear all that “stuff”, allowing the river of your life to flow freely once again.

What is it for?

The primary purpose of energetic facilitation is to assist you in living a life of greater ease, joy, and abundance. It’s for those who feel stuck, who sense that there’s more to life than what they’re currently experiencing. Whether you’re facing challenges in your relationships, career, health, or simply seeking a deeper connection to your true self, energetic facilitation can help you shift out of old patterns and into a space of greater possibility.


How does it work?

Energy facilitation works through the guidance of a facilitator who is trained in the tools and processes of Access Consciousness. During a session, the facilitator will tune into the energies that are present and ask questions to invite awareness, then will clear the energy using the Access Clearing Statement. The key here is that you are not being healed by someone else, rather, the facilitator helps you access your own knowing and innate ability to transform.

During an Access Bars One-day class, the student will learn about Energy Facilitation and the Clearing Statement. A facilitation session involves verbal processing, where the facilitator asks specific questions designed to bring up to your conscious mind thoughts, feeling and emotions and then start to clear limiting beliefs and energies.


We cannot heal what we cannot feel. Under this same principle, we cannot transform the energy if we are not aware of where there is a strong energetic charge in our life.


Benefits of a Facilitation session

The benefits of Energetic Facilitation are as varied as the individuals who experience it. Some of the most common include:

  • Greater ease and peace: As you release old energies and limitations, you may find yourself moving through life with more ease and less stress.

  • Increased clarity and awareness: Energetic Facilitation can help clear the mental clutter, making it easier to see new possibilities and make empowered choices.

  • Emotional healing: Old emotional wounds and traumas can lose their charge, allowing you to experience more joy and freedom in your life.

  • Enhanced creativity and inspiration: With fewer blocks, your creative energy can flow more freely, leading to new ideas, projects, and expressions.

  • Deepened connection to self: As you clear away the layers of judgment and limitation, you may find yourself more deeply connected to your true essence and the wisdom that resides within.


This is more than just a healing modality, it’s an invitation to step into a new way of being. It’s about remembering that you are the creator of your life and that by shifting the energy, you can create something greater than you ever imagined.


Whether you’re seeking healing, growth, or simply a more expansive way of living, energy facilitation offers a path of transformation that is gentle, empowering, and deeply supportive of your unique journey.


Becoming a Womb Keeper


13 Rite of the Munay-Ki