The magic of the Solstice
The Solstice is a magical turning point in nature’s rhythm. It happens twice a year—marking the longest day (Summer Solstice) and the longest night (Winter Solstice). It's like nature pausing to take a deep breath before shifting seasons.
Exploring the Akashic Records
Imagine a place where every thought, action, and feeling across lifetimes is stored, like an ethereal web connecting all beings. This is the essence of the Akashic Records.
Becoming a Womb Keeper
Being a Womb Keeper under the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki, also known as the Rite of the Womb is an honor and a calling. It signifies that you have received a sacred initiation to heal and empower the womb, transforming it into a wellspring of creativity, strength, and life.
The transformative realm of Energetic Facilitation
In the vast world of energy healing and consciousness, there is a gentle, transformative approach known as ‘Energetic Facilitation’ under the Access Consciousness umbrella. This practice is not just about healing; it's about unlocking the potential within you to create a life that feels lighter, more expansive, and full of possibilities.
13 Rite of the Munay-Ki
The 13th Rite of the Womb is a very powerful, loving, ceremonial and energetic transmission to heal and restore your womb to her innate, sacred wholeness and strengthen the natural balance of your creative center.
Ayahuasca, sacred grandmother
It took me more than 20 years to truly recognise my path and reconnect with the indigenous in me—this remembrance was thanks to Abuela Ayahuasca. We call Ayahuasca the “Grandmother” because, in indigenous traditions, Ayahuasca is the mother of all plants—it’s the spirit of it all. She is the sacred plant mother and the counterpart of Grandfather Mapacho (Sacred Tobacco).
The Clearing Statement of Access Consciousness©
Let’s be honest, the first time I heard this tool, my brain went…wait, what was that??…It took me a while to realise that it actually works and since then I didn’t look back.
How Energy healing found me?
Your aura is bright green and big! You have healing energy –
I was like …me? A healer?
Ancient knowledge, Munay-Ki Rites
The Munay-Ki consists of ten shamanic initiation rites originating from the Q’ero Nation. It's important to note that these rites did not originate in Peru; the Q’ero served as the guardians of these rites, which trace back to the shamans in Siberia.
Who is the Goddess?
The divine feminine has been silence for millennia but things are changing and rapily! the Goddess energy manifests in various energies, none superior to the other; they are all inherent in each of us.
The call of the Earth Mother
The Earth Mother is awakening, and the Goddess, the Wise Woman, the Witch within us, perceives the energy as a soft call, a curiosity urging us to learn more, to investigate, to remember.
What you need to know about a Sound Bath
A sound session and sound bath typically complements a guided meditation or energy healing session. A sound bath is a method for alleviating anxiety, calming the nervous system, and clearing your mind of distracting thoughts as you establish a deeper connection with your own body.
The Darkest Night of the Soul
My life was destined to be a unique path that took me almost 40 years to accept and embrace. The dark night of the soul was a big part of it and today I’m so grateful for the experience.
What is a Spiritual Awakening?
Call it whatever you want. When cosmic consciousness, god, universe, spirit, your higher self wants you to awaken to this true it can happen at any moment in your life. Usually is triggered by a specific situation, an experience in your Earthly life.
Reiki, healing energy
Reiki is always used for the highest good of all, anyone that learns the technique can use it freely for any who may choose to benefit by it. What you send out returns to you multiplied. Reiki is Universal Love.
The magic of Access Bars®
Access Bars® is a super nurturing process that have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life and body including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, health, weight, body image, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more!
What is an Access Body process?
The Access Body processes are more than 50 different processes that will work with different energies according to your needs or the practitioner can follow your body’s knowing and use the process that is required.
How Access Consciousness changed my life
Access is – according to Gary Douglas, Access Consciousness Founder- “Where everything exists and nothing is judged” …Yes! That was exactly what I needed.