The call of the Earth Mother

Who am I to share your wisdom, Earth Mother? Can I do it, do I know enough? ...Here it comes, the familiar impostor syndrome.

I've been delving into the wisdom of the womb and ancient teachings since my own spiritual awakening back in 2019. Back then, I would have never imagined walking a path of energy healing and, more recently, embracing my Peruvian roots to reconnect with the wisdom that I now realise I've always carried within me.

The path of the healer isn't chosen, it chooses you.

It was already written in the stars, and the more I resisted it, the harder it became. It took many years to dissolve my conditioned mind and to accept that my path wasn't going to align with my expectations of life. Many times during my journey, I'd tell myself –”I'm not crazy – Pachamama is really calling me!” It's like a whisper that guides and supports me on my journey of self-discovery and back to my true nature and most authentic self.

The Earth Mother is awakening, and the Goddess, the Wise Woman, the Witch within us, perceives the energy as a soft call, a curiosity urging us to learn more, to investigate, to remember.

the Earth Mother

Today, more than ever, the Divine Feminine is calling women on this planet to reconnect with the Earth, with the cycles, with the organic fluidity of feminine energy. We modern women have forgotten what that means. Over centuries, the Patriarchy has done a great job of stripping us of this essential power, but it's up to us to reclaim that freedom, to reclaim the knowledge that was lost so long ago.

So many distorted stories have been passed down for generations about the Goddess, about our womb, and even our cycles. Many of us perceive it as dirty, associated with pain, and avoided in conversation, when, in reality, it's the essence of our power and divinity.

Feminine energy is dark, mysterious, and magical, which can be intimidating for those who don't understand it. But darkness is necessary for us to shine; the more we integrate our shadows, the brighter our light will shine. Society has conditioned us to fear the unknown, even if it resides within us, in our womb.

History has shown that if men (meaning the Patriarchy, as men are also victims of this ideology) don't understand something, they either ignore it, destroy it, or burn it, resulting in the loss of much of the Earth's wisdom. Countless symbols of nature and archetypes were lost in translation.

The Earth Mother is calling us; every woman alive today has a mission – to learn, to heal, and to feel empowered. We'll only feel empowered when we have information, when we start remembering. So, when I hear the call of the Earth Mother to begin sharing what I've learned so far, I finally feel ready. I've set aside my doubts and embraced the journey, acting upon my calling and surrendering to the guidance of my higher self.


Now, what can you learn?

  • Over the centuries the Earth Mother has embodied many archetypes, Cosmic Mother, Goddess, Mother Earth, Mother Mary, Mariam of Magdala, Isis, Pachamama,Inanna. The full expression of it is the divine feminine energy. This energy is your most authentic self, it’s free, wild, creative, it flows like the seasons.

  • Quiet your mind and your soul will speak to you. Look for ways of decondition your mind and ways to reconnect with the feminine energy.

  • The universe and your soul is always sending you signs, whispers here and there, most of the time we are too busy living a human life and we don’t pay enough attention, and if we do, we get distracted too easily.


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