What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Before you read on, keep something in mind, we are not human experimenting life on Earth.

We are infinite beings having human experiences.

When we are born we have the full potential of being manifesting machines! Pure light spiritual beings on Earth but… since the minute we are born the programming starts. By our parents and their (our) cultures, by school, by friends, by society, by the city where we are born, by the media (sadly) and so on for our whole existence! We create a personality to survive in the world and when you awaken you realise that all that time, all that programming have blocked you from thriving.

So let me ask you, what happened to the infinite being and the full potential?


Call it whatever you want. When cosmic consciousness, god, universe, spirit, your higher self wants you to awaken to its true divine self it can happen at any moment in your life. Usually is triggered by a specific situation, an extremely hard experience in your life. My awakening was triggered by fertility issues. I do feel now that my soul wanted to reconnect with me for years and I just kept ignoring it because of my deeply rooted ego and conditioning.

It’s possible to experience a spiritual awakening or growth over a period of weeks, months, or even years! Mine lasted a few years and it came in waves or cycles. For some others is quick and intense. I didn’t know I was going through one until a friend suggested it and I looked it up online.

You can find hundreds if not thousands of entries online. Links on Google or YouTube, testimonials of people going through an awakening, people talking about their own journeys and you know what is the only common denominator?


Every single experience is different and unique. Just like we are all different and unique.


The bottom line is your soul will find a way of letting you know that something is changing in you.

Something will happen in your life, an event that will mark you, suddenly what used to make you happy and excited is not anymore. You start noticing that conversations with friends are not the same, you start to feel different, it feels like the meaning of life is…meaningless.

I remember wanting to find the magic formula, –Tell me what to do and I will do it! Whatever it takes so this confusion stops!–  That was me.

During your life you may have a few opportunities to awaken, and you might miss them all, its Ok, there’s no right or wrong. This blog post is only trying to give you useful information. What you do with it is totally up to you.


Awakening process in my experience

1 . Confusion

You might be going on with your life according to the patterns and beliefs your parents taught you and it’s all going great.
Suddenly the plot of your story changes drastically!
Something happens in your life that shakes you to your core. You suddenly feel different, you get into a deep depression, you feel hopeless and in deep confusion. You may even get numb or even hit rock bottom. 


2 . Separation

Now you are in a dark place, you start vibrating low, fear, sadness, anxiety, judgment, even shame might cross your mind.

Now don’t think that this is something that happens straight away. One day you are happy and the next day is black and white, it comes nd goes like the ocean, it has its own rhythm. You could be at a party having a great time and suddenly you just want to go home. The party seems meaningless, that’s the type of separation I’m talking about. What you used to love now is not that exciting anymore. The person you used to be is changing.


3 . Ego death

You may start to seek information, books, a community, a guide, maybe you started a spiritual practice and feel drawn to spiritual teachers. You realise the person you are is not who you want to be. Your mind is confused, your ego that was created since the minute you were born does not like change, change is uncomfortable, it’s hard. The mind and the ego love comfort. Love to follow a crowd, that’s what we are conditioned to do. something in you is dying.


4 . Realisation

You start to see the light, you now know you are different, you have changed and you see life for what it really is. You have a new purpose, you may change jobs, change friends, you now vibrate higher, you have information, knowledge and you want to share it. You may still have questions but at least you can see the clear sky now.


5 . Bliss

The ego is rapidly dying and a new being is being born. You are not thinking about you anymore, now you think –How can I be at service? How can I use my new knowledge to help others?– You understand that you are one with Nature, you are one with something greater and bigger, your energy centers are open, you are align with cosmic consciousness and you have a new purpose. This part is so good!!


Let go of control, trust the process.

Now, this is not a linear process, in my experience this is a spiral and you will go back to certain areas of your life as you keep evolving and transforming.

So your process can look like: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 2, 4, 5. Enjoy the process.


How do I know I’m in the awakening process?

If you say yes to 3 or more of the below statements, I’m pretty sure you are transforming. I welcome you to the New Earth!

  • Your ego starts to collapse, you feel different when you do things you always did, what was fun is not anymore, you find new interests. You want to change and that feel scary and strange. You tell yourself… What is happening to me?

  • What you thought it was the meaning in life… it’s not anymore.

  • You have a deep sense of meaninglessness.  

  • There’s no purpose to anything.

  • You may feel isolated.

  • You may feel like you are going crazy because your emotions change by the day.

  • You may feel depressed, but you are not really, just very unmotivated.

  • You find new interest in the universe, in past lives, in healing techniques, you may be interesting in healing your inner-child or your lineage. You want to know more, you are interested in the mysteries of life.

  • You may want change and don’t know what to do.

  • You may have a strange feeling that something is coming and something is going to happen.

  • Your dreams become super strange and hyper realistic. they my carry lots os symbolism and messages… Journal it all!

  • You start noticing repeated numbers or synchronicities but might be that no one around you is noticing it.

I hope this was helpful, I tried to summarise it as much as possible and I encourage you to go wild and find information, read books, watch videos, find likeminded people.


The Darkest Night of the Soul


Reiki, healing energy