Reiki, healing energy

I was introduced to Reiki many years ago by my design boss back in Peru, she was a Reiki practitioner. Since I can remember I was interested in anything mystic, so I got into it straight away! Fast forward 13 years and I was at my very first Reiki class in Sydney, Australia. Below you will learn what Reiki Energy is, where it came from and what it is about.

The traditional Reiki story begins in the 1800 in Japan with Mikao Usui but Reiki was ancient even then! What is called Reiki today was known in India from the time of Gautama Siddahartha. It was partly described in the Buddhist Sutras (holy books).

Usui named the healing Energy Reiki, which means Universal life force.


It comes from the Japanese words “Rei,” meaning universal, and “Ki,” meaning life energy.


Ki in Japan, Ch’i in China, Prana in India, Ruach in Hebreu you could go an on describing the history of energy in various cultures. Ch’i or Ki is an electrical type of energy that creates the body and determines the state of health.

Ki is also essential life force of the Earth, the planets, the stars, these sources of energy affect the living body’s Ki. Everything alive contains Ki and radiates it – It is the biomagnetic energy of the aura.

How does one become attuned to the Reiki energy?

The person who is attuned as a Reiki healer has had her body’s energy channels opened and cleared of obstructions by the Reiki attunements. The person not only receives an increase in this life energy or Ki for their own healing but becomes connected to the Source of all universal Ki.

This Source is called different names according to your beliefs, God, Goddess, Universe, Higher Self. As you can perceive Reiki is NOT a religion or affiliated with any religion. This life force energy is the source of life itself and far older in concept and fact than any religious philosophy.

Upon receiving the first attunement in Reiki I, the receiver becomes a channel for universal healing energy. The attunement is not a healing session, it creates the healer.

In Reiki I the student receives the first attunement; the person receives an additional attunement in Reiki II and one more in Reiki III. Each degree’s attunements increase the positive power and ability to channel Ki energy. This process must be passed direct from Teacher/Master to student.

The Reiki I healer can do self-healing and do healing for someone else who is physically present. Healing with Reiki II adds considerable power to direct sessions, and adds the tools for doing distance healing. Reiki energy works in the quantum realm for Reiki there’s no time or space, no past or future.

A Master Reiki level is simply a teacher, no ego or ownership is involved in the term. This energy is pure joy, oneness with life and connection with Source.

Reiki is always used for the highest good of all, anyone that learns the technique can use it freely for any who may choose to benefit by it. What you send out returns to you multiplied. Reiki is Universal Love.

reiki the light arts

Am I using my own energy?

Something that a lot of people has asked me (included my mum when I started doing Reiki) is if I use my own energy to heal others or if the energy of others affect my energy. The short answer is No, it is not possible!

Universal life force it is not drawn from the healer or from the aura but directly from Source, life source! The practitioner is only a channel, a vessel for energy to travel.

Reiki can be used to heal people, animals and plants, after all we are all alive! We are more than physical beings. We have a dense physical body that is immediately perceptible by touch and sight, but we also have three other bodies. These non-visible, non-physical bodies are energy levels encompassing the Ki. Healing cannot be physical alone but must include the vibrational energy bodies.

Most metaphysical healers believe that all physical pain has nonphysical roots in emotional trauma, negative mental patterns, or spiritual hopelessness. Note aside, a great energy healing modality to treat root causes of the mind is The Access Bars.


Benefits of Reiki

Reiki relieves pain, speeds the healing process, stops bleeding, relaxes the receiver and balances the person’s chakra and aura energy. Breathing slows down during a Reiki session and blood pressure lowers. Emotional calming occurs.

People living with certain health conditions may be interested in trying Reiki alongside their regular treatment. For instance, some people with cancer may find Reiki beneficial as it may help them truly relax. The gentle nature of Reiki therapy has a soothing effect on patients who find that they become overwhelmed with invasive therapy, fear, and stress.

In my experience, people perceive Reiki in a range of ways, some say that the practitioner’s hands become hot, others report cooling hands, and some feel pulsating waves. The most common reports are of a release of stress and deep relaxation. Some people fall sleep straight away describing a sensation of being fully present but also sleeping. What does that mean? You be the judge. Book a session here!

If you are interested in learning more about Reiki or other books head to my Resources section.

Source: Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein

Now, what can you learn?

  • No harm can be done with Reiki. Reiki energy is always used for the highest good of all involved. There’s no such thing as someone using Reiki energy to send low vibes. It wouldn’t work, it wouldn’t flow! Reiki is pure loving energy from universal source.

  • Anyone can receive Reiki, from a baby to an ill person, a plant, pet or even food.

  • A session can be as quick as 10 minutes to up to an hour. Professional practices usually offer an hour long session.

  • Distance Reiki is as effective as an in-person session.


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