Ancient knowledge, Munay-Ki Rites

An ancient prophecy speaks of a time preceding our own when the Earth was mostly ice. During that time prophecy mentions that beings out of this world pass on knowledge to humans to help them evolve about astrology, energy, sound, construction and more. As the Earth melted, humanity emerged, giving rise to diverse shamanic traditions across the globe. The prophecy says that these medicine people crossed the Bring Straights from Siberia some 30,000 years ago during the glacial period. These travellers were the Laika, the Earth-keepers of the old. They carried the ancient teachings that are part of the shamanic heritage of the planet.

condor andes

The prophecy continues to say that these people reached the Americas and the Andes in Peru.

Now, fast forward to the arrival of Spanish conquistadors in Peru. During that time, the Q’ero people, one of the tribes in the Andes, fled and hid high in the mountains, above 4,000 meters above sea level (around 14,000 feet), to find refuge from the conquerors. These people were the last of the Incas and carried the ancient traditions of the land.

The Q’ero elders, distinguished by the patterns in their ponchos and chuyos, were regarded as the Laika, preserving ancient traditions believed to have vanished. According to prophecy, they came back from the Andean highlands, anticipating a time of imminent transformation. For the Q’ero elders, the purpose of sharing their sacred teachings was to ensure that as many people as possible could benefit from them and help our collective preparation for the approaching period of significant change.

Over five centuries have passed, passing their traditions from generation to generation until in 2006, the Q’ero elders shared their sacred rites with the West. Dr. Alberto Villoldo, a medical anthropologist and other Westerners received the rites under the condition that they spread them to as many individuals as possible.


What are the Munay-Ki rites?

The Munay-Ki consists of ten shamanic initiation rites originating from the Q’ero Nation. It's important to note that these rites did not originate in Peru; the Q’ero served as the guardians of these rites, which trace back to the shamans in Siberia, as mentioned before.

‘Munay’ in Quechua language (the language of the Andes) means “I love you,” while “Ki” refers to energy, just like in ReiKI, Chi, or Prana—universal life force energy. So, Munay-Ki represents the Energy of love.

These rites are transmitted from teacher to student, from person to person, to continue the lineage. It's essential to understand that Munay-Ki is not a healing technique like Reiki but a sequence of nine rites + the rite of the womb or activations within our luminous energetic field, continuing the lineage of earth-keepers and wisdom guardians, both seen and unseen.

These rites represent the next phase in humanity's evolution, designed to shift and elevate human consciousness and help us in adapting and integrating the broad universal changes that have unfolded in our lifetime.

In the rites, the feminine aspect of the divine is recognised and manifested in its devotion for the Earth, Pachamama, the Earth Mother. It's no wonder I felt drawn to it, as my work revolves around the womb, divine feminine energy, and Mother Earth. To receive the rites means to live in harmony with the land, understanding our deep relationship with it and reconnecting with ancient traditions, decolonising our minds, and returning to our roots. The initiate becomes a steward of the Earth, an Earth-keeper (Don’t you already love them?).

Munay-Ki rites the light arts

There are 10 rites in total

Bands of Power rite

Healers rite

Harmony rite or Archetypes rite

Seer rite

Day-keeper rite

Wisdom-keeper rite

Earth-Keepers rite

Star-keeper rite

The Creator rite

The Rite of the Womb or 13th Rite


What exactly is the Luminous Energy Field?

Beyond our physical bodies, we also have an energy body. This is called our energetic field or aura, this is an electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being. Within it lie our personal and ancestral memories, traumas, and even memories of past lives—these are known as ‘imprints’. These imprints serve as a blueprint or unique mark for each of us, attracting specific events, experiences, and people into our lives, shaping our reality like an invisible program.

Clearing these imprints initiates a transformation like a ripple effect. Our energetic field will start to upgrade and transform over time.

The Munay-Ki rites are like "luminous seeds" planted within our energetic field, tasked with upgrading it. The rites operate on the level of our luminous energy field. They contain energy transmissions that elevate its vibration and start dissolving negative imprints stemming from our genetic and karmic lineage.

Munay-Ki rites

I received the 13th Rite or The Rite of the Womb last year during a Shamanic Womb Health & Healing training with Ceci Longo and received the nine rites early this year with Zelia Pye.

Something worth mentioning is that the internal work doesn’t finish after you receive the rites. This is not a certification that you complete in X number of days and it's done; this is a way of living.


I diligently perform fire ceremonies with a specific structure to nurture the rites or the ‘seeds’ that have been planted in my energetic field, and the more I nurture my seeds, the more they will expand and integrate with my energetic and physical bodies. I can pass the rites on to others and even teach people how to initiate others themselves.

When will I start to pass on the rites? Only time will tell. For now, I’m still integrating the new knowledge and my consciousness is expanding as I nurture my rites or “seeds” with the fire element.

For now, I am noticing changes in my awareness, and my third eye seems to be expanding. I will continue to nurture my seeds and trust the process. Someone said to me only yesterday, “Hold the vision, trust the process,” and it feels so relevant right now.


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